Wednesday 23 November 2011

There She Goes

It was a cold, snowy, icy February day. I was in grade 9 and I was on my way to my first period class, which was in a portable. So, I was watching where I was going because of the amount of ice on the ground. Mind you, we had to wear uniform and could only wear black or white shoes. So, I was wearing running shoes (smart me) and they don't have great grip.

So, I was just minding my own business, when I felt myself slowly start slipping, and it BAM, it happened in the blink of an eye. I was on the ground and scrambling to get back up. I felt the embarrassment coming, my cheeks were hot and flushed and the tears started building up in my eyes, not because I was hurt, but because I was that embarrassed. My teacher came over and made a big fuss and all that, I told him I was fine, (though I was wet, cold, and emotionally scarred) and I went into my portable.
The rest of the day I was cold and my pants (which were black) had salt stains on them. I hated it! I was kind of depressed for the rest of the day. :P

Anyways, please be careful when walking on icy surfaces, and wear boots! Save yourself from embarrassment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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