Wednesday 23 November 2011

Just Keep Swimming

It was a beautiful summer's day, and I was over swimming at my aunt's house. She was having a party with her co-workers, so me, my brother, and two of my cousins were swimming to stay out of their way. We were having so much fun, until that fateful moment.

I was swimming in the deep end and as I was swimming my brother was coming up from the bottom of the deep end (he was playing a game where you have to get change form the bottom of the pool) and we didn't see each other. BAM! His head (which is as hard as a rock) collided with my nose. I gasped, taking in water, and so I statred coughing, once I collected my self I took my goggles off, as they were suction cupped on my eyes. :P Then I noticed the tase of blood. I felt my teeth as I thought that's where I was bleeding, and there was blood on my finger when I looked, but then I felt it, blood pouring out of my nose. The water aroiund me was turing red very quickly. My cousins and brother started freaking out, so I called for my aunt. Luckily for me, she was a paramedic before the job she had then. I came out of the pool and she applied pressure and everything for at least an hour, the towel wasn't white when we were done with it and this scared me. I started to get upset and wanted my mom (she was at work, as well as my dad) but I calmed down and it eventually stopped bleeding.

My mom came to get me and my brother and when she saw my nose said "What happened?" So I explained what happened and she said while shaking her head, "What are we going to do with you?"

A few days later my nose was all blue and purple and still a bit swolen, and I learned to never swim without watching where I was going and to never ever swim over my brother without telling him.

Hope you enjoyed!

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