Wednesday 23 November 2011

Blood, Sweat, and Tears

So our story begins, another gym class story that is. So it was another beautiful gym class of blood, sweat, and tears...... literally. Our new sport of the week... volley ball. But this time I didn't say anything, I remained positive. I said to myself, "Oh, you'll be fine, even though every time you play volley ball you get hit in the face or head, you won't this time, you just have to be extra careful." So I started playing, it was going great, until about the mid part of the game. I think I was in the front row of players at the time, so a girl on my team, for some unknown reason, kicked the volley hard as she could, but I didn't see it, and hit hit me in the face, right on my nose and glasses. BAM! My glasses went flying and the gasps started coming. I thought to myself, this is exactly what you want, a bloody nose in gym class, to cry in front of all these girly girls... "I'm alright!" I said, truth be told, I wasn't alright, my nose was in agony, I felt tears coming on, and my glasses, well they were broken. Now, I am absolutely BLIND without my glasses, so that wasn't good. I felt underneath my nose and looked at the side of my finger, no blood. OKay, that's one plus, looked at my glasses, the nose piece was slightly cracked and the frame was a little bent, which made my world wonky.

"Ummm, are you sure, you look like you're about to cry-" said another girl in my gym class, "No, no, I'm fine," I assured them, "Just that my eyes are connected with my nose, I'm not crying, it didn't hurt that much," LIE! They all looked at me, I looked at them, "What are you guys staring at? Are we gonna play or not?" I was trying to change the subject, as I was totally embarrassed and didn't like to have all the attention on me.

So we continued playing, (if you're wondering where my teahcer was, she was watching the other half of my gym class play and didn't notice all the commotion. :P) and at the end of the gym class, one of my friends sadid "Your nose is bleeding!" I wiped my nose, looked at my hand and said, "No it isn't." so she said, "No, the top of your nose, where your glasses sit..." So I touched the top of my nose after taking my glasses off, and looked at my finger, sure enough it was covered in blood. So I went over to my teahcer and said, "Miss, umm, I need some ice..." she looked at me and said, "Oh my goodness! What happened?! Who did this to you?" so I said, "I don;t really want to say, it was an accident anyways," so she said, "Okay, take someone with you, go to the weight room and get some ice from the freezer."

So I went with one of my best friends to the weight room. Now the worst part was that there was a grade 11 boys class in there, talk about awkward, as we were in grade 9 and all. Any who, we couldn't fina a baggy to put the ice in and I guess we took a while because my teacher came in and did it for us.

Next period I had french, so I went to class and my french teacher thought I got in a fight. :P She said "(GASP!) Madamoiselle!!! Did you get in a fight?!" so I said, "Nope, it was just a bad gym class miss," so she asked, "What in the world happened?!" So I said, "Well, we were playing volley ball, and a girl kicked the volleyball and it hit me in the face, I mean it was an accident of course, but that's how it happened." Then my teahcer smiled and said, "Oh, madamoiselle... are you going ot be okay copying notes?" so I said, "Oh ya, I'll be fine." But when we were copying notes, it was hard for me because it hurt like crazy to wear my glasses and when I took them off, I couldn't see a thing. :( 

Then I had lunch and another class after it before I got to go home, and everyone was looking at me funny and staring... talk about uncomfortable! Finally I went home and looked at my nose. All I can say was it was not a pretty sight, all blue and purple and a bloody scab across the top of my nose. I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed, I said to myself, "What am I going to do with you..." My parents saw it and said of course that would happen to you. So I got my glasses fixed and took care of my nose, and luckily for me there is no scar or anything. I actually have a nice nose for having it hit so many times. I'm not trying to brag by the way. :)

Overall, it was kind of a bad day and I ended up with a very sore nose. :^( So please be careful!!!!!!!!!! And never kick a volley ball near anyone, you never know what could happen....


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