Wednesday 23 November 2011

French Fries in the Microwave

Today's story will be about... FRENCH FRIES IN THE MICROWAVE!

Okay, don't judge me, I was about 5 and my dad was working in the basement, I was hungry and I didn't want to bug him so I thought I would make my own lunch to show him what a big girl I was (My mom and brother weren't home).

I had some left over McDonald's french fries in the fridge so I put them in the microwave to heat up, as my mom did that with lots of things! Well, of course being 5, I didn't know I was supposed to take them out of the paper bag thing that they were in, actually, I didn't even know how to work the microwave. So, I put them in the microwave, for oh I don't know, maybe 20 minutes? I was trying to do 2, which is still too much time, but that's not the point.

Well it started burning and smoke was coming out of the microwave, I got scared and went downstairs to my dad, he aksed me what the smell was, and me being scared I lied and said, "I don't know daddy." He ran upstairs to find our microwave almost on fire. He got mad and sent me to my room, (it was for lying).

My mom came home and was told the situation by my dad. She went up to my room, only to find me balling my eyes out in my room (I feel terrible when I upset my parents, I still cry to this day). She told me it was okay, and not to feel bad, that we needed a new microwave anyways. But she did say not to lie and tell the truth, that it's always better to tell the truth.

To this day, we still have the microwave that we bought after I killed the other one. So maybe it was a good thing after all.

I hope you enjoyed my blog! Please feel free to comment!

Catch ya later!

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