Tuesday 29 November 2011


Hey everyone!!!

So, as of this moment I can not for the life of me remember a GWTG story, so I'm going to ask you guys a few questions and all you have to do is answer in the comments!

1.) What's your favourite GWTG story?
2.) What GWTG story sounded the most painful?
3.) Who did I trip in the blog "I'm Only Scarred For Life"?

Answer in the comments and I'll blog about it!

Until next time,

Love the GWTG

Monday 28 November 2011

A Head Full of Bobby Pins

Hey guys!

So, this past weekend was my cousin's Confirmation, and I was her Sponsor. I went to get my hair done really early, and I was getting an updo. I was SOOOOO excited!

So, about 45 minutes later, my Selena Gomez updo was done, and I have to admit, I looked pretty good! ;D

Later that night, around 9pm, I decided to take my hair out, as I have a TON of curly hair, and my head was starting to hurt. So my mom took one out, and another, and another! 59 bobby pins later, I was bun free, and my head was much lighter!

So, lesson learned: Don't let the hair dresser put 59 pins in your hair.... it takes FOREVER to get out.

Sincerely, GWTG

Sunday 27 November 2011

Hey Guys!/ New Story! :D

Hey guys!

Sorry I haven't blogged in a couple of days, I've been extremely busy.

Anywho, on with the story.

I was waiting in line with my mom waiting to check out. I was getting a new suitcase (which I STILL have! I LOVE it!). So, we were almost at the cashier and I had the brilliant idea to sit on my suitcase. But what you have to know is, it has wheels on the bottom of it, for convenience so you could pull it instead of carry it.  So, I was sitting merrily on it when, SMACK! I hit the hard floor along with my suitcase.

EVERYONE laughed, or pointed, or whispered, or whatever else you do when you see someone fall. I was DYING! It was the most embarrassing moment of my life (up until that point anyways).

So, I was fine, and me and my mom checked out and left.

Hope you enjoyed another tale of the GWTG!

Sincerely, GWTG <3 :D

Thursday 24 November 2011


Hey guys! I have another tale from the Girl With The Glasses to share with you today! :D

So, our story beings at school... obviously!
I was walking and talking with one of my friends down a hallway, and a crowd of people was up ahead. So I keep walking and talking, and when I ask a question and turn around to see my friend and get her answer, it was some random person who looked at me as if I had four eyes! (Hehehe, funny because I have glasses... I'm a nerd :P) So I just looked at them like, what are you lookin' at? and they walked away. My friend catches up to me and says, "Why is your face so red?" (Yes, my face turns beat red when I'm embarrassed) and I proceeded to tell her what I just told you... her response?! Embarrassing! I was like, thanks for the support you noodle. (Yeah, I call my friends noodle... I don't swear).

Well, I hope you liked today's blog!I'm pretty sure we've all been there, right? Don't forget to post in the comments, if there are enough comments I will write a special Christmas blog!

Sincerely, GWTG <3

Love ya! :*

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Q & A

Hey guys!

If you have any questions, just leave them in the comments, and I will answer them for you!

Hope you guys are full of questions!

Sincerely, GWTG (Girl With The Glasses, hehehe, my own acronym!)

It's the Most Wonderful Time Of The Year!


I'm so excited! Post in the comments your favourite thing about Christmas, if I get over 10 comments, I'll post a special Christmas Blog... or maybe even VLOG!

Sincerely, Girl With The Glasses

So all These Blogs....

Hey everyone! All the blogs from "First Story" til the one before this are from my old blogging site. I hope you enjoy them! All those things really have happened to me too.... sad, isn't it?

Anywho, I gotta roll, I have to tutor tonight.



Hey everyone! I have a new girlwiththeglasses story for you!

It was about two nights ago and I was going on my laptop. I grabbed my lap top and went to sit down. Unfortunately, when I sat down on my chair, it sunk in so much that I kinda fell into it, pulling my laptop towards my face. BAM! The screen of my laptop (which is very big and heavy) hit me on the top of my nose (which we all know is very sensitive because of the "traumatic" experiences it's had over the years). It took a few seconds for the pain to hit me and when it did I said "Mom, I just did a fail of a thing." and she said "What sweety?" just then I started to cry and told her what happened. But in the middle of my explanation I started to laugh! I was picturing what it must've looked like with my face and all. then my mom, dad, and brother started to laugh because I was laughing! It was actually a very funny moment, despite the pain, bump and bruise that's on my nose.

I hope you all liked my new story and are having a great summer! :D


French Fries in the Microwave

Today's story will be about... FRENCH FRIES IN THE MICROWAVE!

Okay, don't judge me, I was about 5 and my dad was working in the basement, I was hungry and I didn't want to bug him so I thought I would make my own lunch to show him what a big girl I was (My mom and brother weren't home).

I had some left over McDonald's french fries in the fridge so I put them in the microwave to heat up, as my mom did that with lots of things! Well, of course being 5, I didn't know I was supposed to take them out of the paper bag thing that they were in, actually, I didn't even know how to work the microwave. So, I put them in the microwave, for oh I don't know, maybe 20 minutes? I was trying to do 2, which is still too much time, but that's not the point.

Well it started burning and smoke was coming out of the microwave, I got scared and went downstairs to my dad, he aksed me what the smell was, and me being scared I lied and said, "I don't know daddy." He ran upstairs to find our microwave almost on fire. He got mad and sent me to my room, (it was for lying).

My mom came home and was told the situation by my dad. She went up to my room, only to find me balling my eyes out in my room (I feel terrible when I upset my parents, I still cry to this day). She told me it was okay, and not to feel bad, that we needed a new microwave anyways. But she did say not to lie and tell the truth, that it's always better to tell the truth.

To this day, we still have the microwave that we bought after I killed the other one. So maybe it was a good thing after all.

I hope you enjoyed my blog! Please feel free to comment!

Catch ya later!

Ash Wednesday

One Ash Wednesday:

 I went up and got my ashes, but mine was really think and went all over my glasses and nose. Well, my dad got the genius idea to wipe it off. Well, of course, the ashes smudged all over my nose and turned it black! My mom and brother had to do all they could from cracking up in Church. Well, I finally managed to get the ashes off my nose with a lot of spit and wiping. -_- 

So, after that dilemma was over, I thought it was all good. But every time my mom or brother looked at me, they kept trying really hard not to laugh. I had no idea why. So we headed home after mass and I looked in the mirror. I finally understood why they were laughing. I looked in the mirror and saw an ash unibrow. I guess the ashes had landed on my nose piece, and I must've pushed them up causing the ashes to smudge against my forehead.

I have to bring a mirror next time I guess. It's okay though, we shouldn't be worrying about how we look at Church, well we should look nice, but while we are there, we shouldn't. We are there to praise God not how we look.

Hope you all had a Holy Ash Wednesday!


I'm Only Emotionally Scarred

So it was a great day, I was with my friends, just chilling in the cafeteria when we decided to play a game. We rolled a little piece of paper into a ball and play table hockey by hitting the paper ball with a pencil and trying to hit the other person's arm with it.

So we were playing and it would occasionally fall off the table, and usually I was the one who had to get it. So one time the paper ball went flying over the table and under another lunch table, and since it was our last one left and we couldn't go to the library because it was packed and we couldn't go outside as it was raining, I went to get it. I waited until the teacher passed by because I didn't want to trip him or anything, and I made my move. As I bent down to get it the teacher turned and fell over me. I was like great, this is what I want, half of my school is on lunch (so about 1000 kids saw this) I'm going to be known as teacher tripper. All I remember was a body falling over me, gasps, my friends guyt laughing, my face turing more red than a cherry and more gasps.

"Are you ok young lady?" asked the teahcer, "Yes, I'm fine, (what does he think? Of course I wasn't okay, I was emotionally scarred, I wanted to go to Siberia and become a hermit. And to top it all off, this guy I liked, that was older, was right there to see it, first class seats for him! UGH!) are you okay sir?" I was turning more red, more hot, I felt tears swelling up in my eyes, "Yes, I'm fine. I'm so sorry, I didn;t see you there." Of course he didn't! I'm really short to begin with, and me crouching down didn't help me. "It's okay sir, it was my mistake." He walked away and I went and sat back down.

My friends were still gut laughing, actually they were crying they were laughing so hard. I was like, thanks for the support guys.......

That day was the most embarassing day of my life, nothing, and I mean nothing, has topped that day for embarassment. :(

Please people, DO NOT, and I mean it, bend down so you are invisible, make someone else go and do it. I do all the time now. :D

Moral: If you are short, don't bend down.

well, that's all for today, see you guys later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sometimes It's Good To Be Invisible, and Sometimes It's not..........

It was a in the morning at school, classes hadn't started yet so me and my friend swent to my locker because I forgot my first period binder. So as I was getting this, a big group of guys walked by, and our halls, although very large and roomy, the amount of kids that walk in them make them as crowded as a zoo.

So as I was saying, a big group of guys walked by, and one guys back pack got caught on the mesh of my back pack. So, I was minding my own business when all of the sudden I felt myself being dragged down the hall. I was like oh great, exactly what I need. So, I think I was gragged a good, oh I don;t know, 20 feet before the guy finally noticed he was dragging a body with him.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't notice ya." I was like, really? You didn't notice another human being attached to you? "That's okay, no worries." So after unhooking myself from him, I heard him mutter, "Did you see that girl with the glasses?.............."

Anyways, please be careful when walking down the hall and take care in noticing your surroundings.

See ya!

Story of My Life

Hey everyone! This story will explain what people have always said to me.

1.) Sorry miss, I didn't see you there. (As I'm very short :P)
2.) Oh, was that you I elbowed?.... I hit your face?! Sorry about that.................
3.) Where's the girl with the glasses??? Oh, there she is, I almost marked you absent!
4.) Oh, sorry, I didn't see you, good thing you said something!!!!!!!
5.) Oh, sorry, did I hit your glasses with my elbow? Gee, sorry about that.

Now you see my pain. I am surprised that I don't need facial reconsrtuction yet!!!!!!!!!!! Well, I am absolutely exhausted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry guys, this is all I'm going to write for today. But hey, I'm keeping my word about writing every day. ;D


There She Goes

It was a cold, snowy, icy February day. I was in grade 9 and I was on my way to my first period class, which was in a portable. So, I was watching where I was going because of the amount of ice on the ground. Mind you, we had to wear uniform and could only wear black or white shoes. So, I was wearing running shoes (smart me) and they don't have great grip.

So, I was just minding my own business, when I felt myself slowly start slipping, and it BAM, it happened in the blink of an eye. I was on the ground and scrambling to get back up. I felt the embarrassment coming, my cheeks were hot and flushed and the tears started building up in my eyes, not because I was hurt, but because I was that embarrassed. My teacher came over and made a big fuss and all that, I told him I was fine, (though I was wet, cold, and emotionally scarred) and I went into my portable.
The rest of the day I was cold and my pants (which were black) had salt stains on them. I hated it! I was kind of depressed for the rest of the day. :P

Anyways, please be careful when walking on icy surfaces, and wear boots! Save yourself from embarrassment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oooo, That Has GOT To Hurt!

Our story begins on a beautiful spring day, almost time for summer break even, I was in grade 4 and the sun was shining, soft breeze blowing, birds were singing, people were washing there cars, you get the idea.

So, I decided it would be a good idea to ride my bike around my court (I didn't have training wheels by the way). So my mom was outside and she was doing some work outside our house and had a perfect view of me. She smiled as I went around in circles and pretending I was a princess on a beautiful horse, trying to find true love. Eventually though, I got bored of that and started going around really fast, I wanted to pretend I was on a galloping horse, but the other game was safer. As I rounded a turn, I turned too sharply and wiped out... BIG time! I went sliding for a good ten feet, and then got up. "I'm ok, I'm ok!... Am I ok?" I started balling! Blood was running down both of my chins from the HUGE cuts on my knees, I had a scraped chin, palms (which also got pebbles in them), and elbows. My mom came running over and took me inside.

I had so much blood on me she decided I should take a bath to A. clean up and B. disinfect my cuts and scrapes. I took baths then, and as I went to sit down, I couldn't me knees hurt so badly to move, that I could barely stretch them out. So, the crying began again, but my mom made me.

The next day I went to school with two huge bandages on them and everyone looked at me and asked me questions about what happened and did I cry. My teacher even called me a silly goose!

Then about two weeks later I was walking my skooter, trippe don it, and opened up my scabs and got pebbles in my hands again!

I blame this ALL on my glasses. Especially for the skooter accident.

Moral: Watch where you're going and ALWAYS wear a helmet!

Catch ya later!

It Makes You Look... Tough

I went outside with every intention of playing hockey. So, as we were waiting to start playing I was standing beside my brother and he accidently hit my glasses with his hcokey stick...full force. It knocked my lens out and hit my eyebrow. I ran inside before I started crying because my friends were outside and getting hit in the face was embarrassing enough.

When I got inside I started panicking and called my mom. She was like "Ooooo, that has got to hurt!" and it did! I had a cut on my eyebrow as well as a bald spot on it, as my eyebrow hairs got stick in the frame some how. Hahahaha. :P Anywho, I have a HUGE scratch on my lens, but other than that, they are okay. The ironic thing is the glasses I have now are the same model I had when I got my nose cut open (See "Blood, Sweat, & Tears")

Don't worry though, I was perfectly fine, I put some polysporin on it, so it was good. Hope you enjoyed this! I sure didn't! ;)

Just Keep Swimming

It was a beautiful summer's day, and I was over swimming at my aunt's house. She was having a party with her co-workers, so me, my brother, and two of my cousins were swimming to stay out of their way. We were having so much fun, until that fateful moment.

I was swimming in the deep end and as I was swimming my brother was coming up from the bottom of the deep end (he was playing a game where you have to get change form the bottom of the pool) and we didn't see each other. BAM! His head (which is as hard as a rock) collided with my nose. I gasped, taking in water, and so I statred coughing, once I collected my self I took my goggles off, as they were suction cupped on my eyes. :P Then I noticed the tase of blood. I felt my teeth as I thought that's where I was bleeding, and there was blood on my finger when I looked, but then I felt it, blood pouring out of my nose. The water aroiund me was turing red very quickly. My cousins and brother started freaking out, so I called for my aunt. Luckily for me, she was a paramedic before the job she had then. I came out of the pool and she applied pressure and everything for at least an hour, the towel wasn't white when we were done with it and this scared me. I started to get upset and wanted my mom (she was at work, as well as my dad) but I calmed down and it eventually stopped bleeding.

My mom came to get me and my brother and when she saw my nose said "What happened?" So I explained what happened and she said while shaking her head, "What are we going to do with you?"

A few days later my nose was all blue and purple and still a bit swolen, and I learned to never swim without watching where I was going and to never ever swim over my brother without telling him.

Hope you enjoyed!

Blood, Sweat, and Tears

So our story begins, another gym class story that is. So it was another beautiful gym class of blood, sweat, and tears...... literally. Our new sport of the week... volley ball. But this time I didn't say anything, I remained positive. I said to myself, "Oh, you'll be fine, even though every time you play volley ball you get hit in the face or head, you won't this time, you just have to be extra careful." So I started playing, it was going great, until about the mid part of the game. I think I was in the front row of players at the time, so a girl on my team, for some unknown reason, kicked the volley ball...as hard as she could, but I didn't see it, and hit hit me in the face, right on my nose and glasses. BAM! My glasses went flying and the gasps started coming. I thought to myself, this is exactly what you want, a bloody nose in gym class, to cry in front of all these girly girls... "I'm alright!" I said, truth be told, I wasn't alright, my nose was in agony, I felt tears coming on, and my glasses, well they were broken. Now, I am absolutely BLIND without my glasses, so that wasn't good. I felt underneath my nose and looked at the side of my finger, no blood. OKay, that's one plus, looked at my glasses, the nose piece was slightly cracked and the frame was a little bent, which made my world wonky.

"Ummm, are you sure, you look like you're about to cry-" said another girl in my gym class, "No, no, I'm fine," I assured them, "Just that my eyes are connected with my nose, I'm not crying, it didn't hurt that much," LIE! They all looked at me, I looked at them, "What are you guys staring at? Are we gonna play or not?" I was trying to change the subject, as I was totally embarrassed and didn't like to have all the attention on me.

So we continued playing, (if you're wondering where my teahcer was, she was watching the other half of my gym class play and didn't notice all the commotion. :P) and at the end of the gym class, one of my friends sadid "Your nose is bleeding!" I wiped my nose, looked at my hand and said, "No it isn't." so she said, "No, the top of your nose, where your glasses sit..." So I touched the top of my nose after taking my glasses off, and looked at my finger, sure enough it was covered in blood. So I went over to my teahcer and said, "Miss, umm, I need some ice..." she looked at me and said, "Oh my goodness! What happened?! Who did this to you?" so I said, "I don;t really want to say, it was an accident anyways," so she said, "Okay, take someone with you, go to the weight room and get some ice from the freezer."

So I went with one of my best friends to the weight room. Now the worst part was that there was a grade 11 boys class in there, talk about awkward, as we were in grade 9 and all. Any who, we couldn't fina a baggy to put the ice in and I guess we took a while because my teacher came in and did it for us.

Next period I had french, so I went to class and my french teacher thought I got in a fight. :P She said "(GASP!) Madamoiselle!!! Did you get in a fight?!" so I said, "Nope, it was just a bad gym class miss," so she asked, "What in the world happened?!" So I said, "Well, we were playing volley ball, and a girl kicked the volleyball and it hit me in the face, I mean it was an accident of course, but that's how it happened." Then my teahcer smiled and said, "Oh, madamoiselle... are you going ot be okay copying notes?" so I said, "Oh ya, I'll be fine." But when we were copying notes, it was hard for me because it hurt like crazy to wear my glasses and when I took them off, I couldn't see a thing. :( 

Then I had lunch and another class after it before I got to go home, and everyone was looking at me funny and staring... talk about uncomfortable! Finally I went home and looked at my nose. All I can say was it was not a pretty sight, all blue and purple and a bloody scab across the top of my nose. I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed, I said to myself, "What am I going to do with you..." My parents saw it and said of course that would happen to you. So I got my glasses fixed and took care of my nose, and luckily for me there is no scar or anything. I actually have a nice nose for having it hit so many times. I'm not trying to brag by the way. :)

Overall, it was kind of a bad day and I ended up with a very sore nose. :^( So please be careful!!!!!!!!!! And never kick a volley ball near anyone, you never know what could happen....


First Story

Hello everyone! <3

Okay, so my first story is this:

So, as I promised I told you I would try and share a story about how my glasses affect my life today, and I have some free time so here it goes.

So one day at school, I was going to gym class, and I had a bad feeling about it. Sure enough, my feeling was right, we were playing a game where you had to run (with your team) through the line of the girls and boys gym class while they through balls at you, and then go and pick up bean bags in a hoola hoop, and if you got hit by a ball you had to put them down and start over. Fun right??? Wrong! Everytime, and this is a fact now for me, we play something that involves a ball I geet hit in the face, which leads to the ultimate destruction of my glasses...and my face.

Now I'm not a complainer, but that day I kind of was, so I said, "Miss, please don't make me do this." and she said, "Why?", so I said, "Everytime I play a game that invloves balls, especially throwing balls around, I get hit in the face and my glasses almost or do break." but do you think that cahnged her mind????? NO! She just said, "Oh, you will be alright, it's not going to happen."

So, like the trooper I am (hehe :P) I went out there and played, now I'm a quarter down the line, and I didn't get hit, (now let me remind you, this was my high school gym class, that's about 50-60 kids throwing balls at you and your team mates), I keep running,  I say to myself, good job, you aren't going to die! Then I'm half way down, still not hit, then I got to three quarters, BAM! The next thing I knew I was standing with my mouth open and my glasses just dangling off of one ear, my face red with embarrassment, as everyone stopped and gasped, I guess it looked pretty hard... then again it felt pretty hard. Then the boys gym teacher said, "Girl with the glasses, are you okay???", (Thus I got my nick name, girl with the glasses) so of course me being a bit proud of myself for making it this far and not even crying, (I made a vow to never cry at school, and I never have), I said, "Ya, I'm fine. Didn't even hurt..." Okay, that last bit I said was a lie, because it hurt like crazy!!!!!!!! But I didn't want whoever threw it at me to feel bad. So as I walked back to my spot to restart, this guy says, "Oh my gosh, I'm sooo sorry, I didn't mean to..." I was just like chill man, it's all good. :)  So I walked over to my gym teacher, and she said smiling, "Wow, I never thought you would get hit like that in the face... maybe I should believe you next time." so I just smiled back and said "Miss, can I just wait around here?" so she looked at me and said, "Why not."

So after gym class we were waiting to see who could go to the dressing room to change first, (we were on teams and whoever had the straightest and quietest row went first). So when they dismissed my row, the boys gym teacher said, "Girl with the glasses who got hit in the face, stay after class." So now I'm like omgosh, did I do something wrong? What if I'm in trouble? (I've always been a gooody two shoes... :P) And they told my friend to stay after too. So my teacher said, "Here girls, split this mars bar. You deserve it, you both took nice blows to the face, and you didn't cry, so here you go." I was like alright!!!!!!!!!!!! So I split it with my friend and it turned out to be a pretty good day over all.

So, for any of you out there that have this happen to you, share your stories! I'll try to get in another story about my glasses, but I'll see.

Have a great day!

Over & out!

Hello! Welcome to my Blog!

Hey everyone!

So this is my very FIRST blog... EVER! I'm so excited, and totally pumped for this. I'm going to try and update this everyday, but between work and school, things can get busy. :P

Now, I used to have another blog, on a different website, but I didn't like the interface or the way it worked, BUT I love the stories I shared there, so I will be copying and pasting them onto this website, here is the link of my other website just in case:


Be warned, it may not work... like I said, it really wasn't a great website.

I hope everyone enjoys this blog!

Sincerely, The Girl With The Glasses