Sunday 9 December 2012

25 Days of Christmas!!!

Helloeveryone! SOrry for the late start, but as usual, life has been throwing things at me left right and centre!

Alrighty, Christmas Story 1:

I was a young girl, with Harry Potter glasses (actually brand named 'Harry Potter') getting ready for my ig debut as... a Christmas Choir singer!!! Yes, it was Christmas season and my mom 'volunteered' my brother and I for the choir.
 So, every week, two times a week actually, we met with our choir teacher and practiced with all the other kids for the Childrens Christmas Liturgy. I'm not going to lie, it was fun! Weeks passed and Christmas Eve arrived, so my mom made sure me and Peter were in our Sunday, er, Christmas best, and we headed off to Church. My mom and Dad got to sit in reserved seats so they could see us... it also helped them with their new hobby of video taping. Anywho, we went up with our group (now mind you it's a HUGE Church, their was oer 1000 people there AND it was being broadcasted across North America), and began our symphany of Christmas songs. I was nervous, so I put my arm around my brother (who is two years younger than me) and being a boy, he pushed it off right away. Thanks to my parents new hobby it's captured for all to see for years to come.
That's my story! The lovely Christmas Choir arm comfort that got rejected. :)

Christmas Story 2:

This one is actually quite funny to me. My brother has always been quick with come backs, but I forgot how early it had started. I was watching some old tapes of our 2004 Christmas, and what a lovely Christmas it was. Near the send, my dad gave my brother a letter that he, I mean Santa, had wrote for him. Peter was to follow the clues of the letter to find his big gift. Fast forward to my brother reading the third letter, it read, "Watch out Peter! There's a Komodo Dragon in Lainey's room!" and without missing a beat, he said (while laughing his brains out) "Is the Komodo Dragon Lainey?!" Obviously I retaliated with the imfamous "HEEYYY!" line. Ahh, Christmas memories. :)

Christmas Story 3:

I had given my mom a candle one year, and she loved it... or so I thought. A couple years down the road we are decorating for Christmas when I pull out the candle. I look at my mom lovingly and say, "Mommy, where do you want me to put this?" and my mom responded, "That? Throw it out, it's an ugly thing!"
If you could see someones heart drop... you would've seen mine fall about 1000 feet. I bowed my head and said, "I got you that mom..."
"Oh... I'm sorry honey! I love it! Put it on the fireplace!"
Nice recovery mom xD

Christmas Story 4:

I was really little and got up EXTREMELY early... like 5:30am early. So, I got my brother up and we scouted out the bundles of presents that awaited our unwrapping. So, we proceed to get my parents up, who respond with, wait until 7:00am. Well, for little kids, that is freaking torture! I think we must have waited five minutes before we went and bugged them again. This time they agreed to get up, and we joyfully opened our presents! xD Csn't wait to be a parent myself :P

Christmas Story 5:

I HEARD SANTA! It was probably around 5:00am, when I heard him. Ole Saint Nick climbing back up the chimney. My bedroom is up the stairs from the family room, so I had a pretty good seat as to knowing what was goig on in the house. Anyways, I layed in bed, waiting for the sun to rise (I leanred my parents like to sleep, like said above) when I heard the bowl we left for Rudolph spill. I BOLTED out of bed wanting to get a glimpse at Santa, but he was already gone, bowl cleaned and no mess... just a huge bundle of presents. What really happened? I'll let you decide... :)

Christmas Story 6:

This is actually my moms story. When she was younger, she lived with my aunt in an apartment. They had just set up their Christmas tree when they went to bed. They slept peacefully for a few hours when they heard a huge crash! They immediately thought robber, my aunt started to climb out the window while my mom went to investigate. The source of the noise came from the tree falling over and breaking their glass coffee table. :)

Christmas Story 7, 8, and 9:

These stories all tie together. It happened last week actually. I was (and am) really excited for Christmas, and was pumped up about Christmas shopping and decorating. (First part of story) My friend Lisa asks me if I would like to read the petitions for our Christmas mass at school as we needed one more prefect (yes, I am a prefect). So I agreed! I got the longest two of the six petitions to be read... my luck ;) I didn't mind, it's just there's over 2000 people im my school and I was pretty nervous. (Part 2) I went up to read my part, all went well! I asked my friend how I did, they said great! Only one thing, the microphone was a foot above my head because I'm uber short... They made fun of me for the rest of the day! xD (Part 3) I told my mom this story and she laughed her head off! She said, "It's okay honey, at least they could see you!" I just stared her down, and she continued, "What?! It's a short joke!" Oh mom, so great for self esteem! xD

Hope you liked my first nine Christmas stories! Stay tuned for more to come! :D

Thursday 6 September 2012


Hey guys! I have some VERY exciting news for you! To help you know when a new blog has been posted, as well as polls or questions, I have made a Girl With the Glasses Facebook page! It will keep you up to date with everything going on in my world, AND I will even post mini stories specific to Facebook!

I would LOVE it if you could like and share with all your friends, as I would love this bog to become a little bit more popular. Hopefully you are still enjoying my blog and follow my page!!!

Sincerely, the GWTG



Thursday 30 August 2012

It's Been a While

Hello everyone!

I apologise for not writing a blog in a while. My summer has been busy, and let me tell you, I have many GWTG stories to now share with you. I will, however, do my usual one sotry per blog and keep the suspense going :)

Alright, the first story is about my little adventure on my family vacation. I invited my best friend to go with me, so that was fun. The sotry takes place on a mini put course. It was beautiful, complete with waterfalls, fake sand pits, everything! I was doing fairly well (I'm not a golfer by any means), when I got to the ninth hole. One of the people who worked there was perched up on the rock wall above this hole, staring me and my family down. I could feel the sweat run down my back and my cheeks turn red. I just hate when people I don't know watch me do something. Anywho, I lined up my put, and because it was a fairly hilly hole, I hit the ball with some good strength. The ball went FLYING, and I really mean flying, where it plunged itself into the little river running throughout the holes. All I could think was, really, while this guy is watching?!

Anyways, my dad went and got the ball for me, and all ended well... I came in third (tied with my friend... there was five of us playing :D).

I hope you enjoyed this tale and are looking forward to the next GWTG story!!!


Monday 9 July 2012

Oh Dear...

Hey everyone! I really do apologise for not posting for a while. I've honestly had no time whatsoever to take a break!

Anyways, on with the story! My mom wanted to paint the garage brown, after many years of hockey pucks being banged of of its surface, it needed some perking up. So, I offered to help, being that I'm a pretty decent painter and felt obligated to do so anyways. After a while, my mom is finishing up the edges (those she won't let me do... to be honest, I don't trust myself anyways!) when she asks me to bring over the paint for her. Okay, that's an easy task... nope! I almost trip while holding the paint tray, which would spill at least a quarter of a gallon, but I manage to catch myself! Great I think to myself, I saved myself! I look down and see the brown paint has made a nice line across the white shirt I was wearing. Luckily for me it was my moms, but I still felt horrible.

Another story I have to share with you! So, tune in tomorrow to catch it!

Thanks for being so patient everyone! I will try and update this much more frequently!

Sincerely, The GWTG!!! <3

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Toilet Paper Mummy

Hey everyone!!!

So, recently I embarked on a trip to a Catholic retreat centre to work on leadership skills as well as celebrate my (and others) becoming prefects! It was an absolutely breath taking site, and even though I've been there before, it never ceased to amaze me with it's beautiful chapel and statues, it was gorgeous!

Anyways, I won't leave you hanging... I went to use the washroom, and before I did that, we played an Ice breaker game where we labeled each other with good names, such as "fun", "blissful", "caring", etc. This stickers weren't the stickiest things known to man kind and began peeling off our shirts as the hours went by. So, as I finished up I noticed there was toilet paper stuck to one of my stickers, so I took it off. Then I noticed another piece on another sticker. I was honestly a toilet paper mummy!!! The laughs all me and my friends had in the washroom were priceless!!!

I hope you enjoyed this short story! I will be back with even more to share!
Until next time, have a great day/night and keep on smiling!!!

Sincerely, the GWTG! :D <3

Friday 25 May 2012

Too Short...

Hello everyone! Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. I've been very busy getting ready to be a prefect for next year and volunteering to get hours.

Anyways, on with the story!

This story takes place in photography class... yet again!

I was tidying up after finishing rotations, which required an extension cord. I didn't know what to do with it, so I went up to my teacher and asked him. He said, "See those hooks over there?" pointing to the room joined to ours, "Hang it up on one of those hooks please."

So, I made my way over to the hooks, rolled up the cord and went to hang it... BUT I couldn't reach!!! So, I laid it down on the table underneath it.

Feeling somewhat bad about not being able to properly put away the cord, I went up to my teacher (who isn't the tallest person himself). I looked at him and said, "Ummm, sir? I couldn't hang up the card because... well... I couldn't reach..."

No word of a lie, he looked at me, smiled, and started gut laughing! He said between breaths, "That's okay, I understand how it feels."

Oh well, I guess I need to try and grow a few more inches before my times up and I start shrinking!

Hope you enjoyed this story! I'll be posting more up really soon.

Until next time, have a great day!

Sincerely, The Girl With The Glasses <3

Friday 9 March 2012


Hello everyone!

I was recently off school for a week because of a NASTY cold.

Anyways, I got to school, got the things I needed to catch up, and was silently reading while my class wrote a test (obviously I couldn't since I missed the whole week :P). I put my hand in my sweater pocket and felt something out of place... it was my camera's lens cap from photography!!! I immediately freaked out! I felt terrible, knowing my teacher most likely had been looking for it all week, thinking someone probably stole it.

I went to class and nervously approached my teacher. "Sir... I, er, I found this in my pocket... I'm so sorry! I didn't want to lose it while taking my pictures so I out it in my pocket... and then I forgot about it. I'm so sorry..."

He smiled and said, "That's okay! ve been looking for it, at least I have it now!"

Only me... the most responsible student in that class, who never wants to touch anything for fear of breaking it, would have the lens cap of a camera in MY pocket.

Hope you all enjoyed! Sorry for not blogging for a week, like I said though, I've been sick. :(

Sincerely, the GWTG

Friday 2 March 2012

Tongue Tied...

Hello everyone! GWTG here with another story for you!!!

I was in photography class when the lens I put on my camera made all my pictures blurry, so I went to my teacher and said, "Sir, when I put the blurry on my camera..." He gave me a strange look and said, "When I put the 'blurry' on my camera???"

I started laughing and said, "It's one of those days sir..."

Only I can mess up an easy sentence to say. I can never get anything right! One of these days I will though ;)

Hope you enjoyed!

Sincerely, the GWTG

Tuesday 28 February 2012


Hello everyone! GWTG here again to share another tale of my high school adventure.

I was talking to my friend, and I tend to be a little animated while telling stories, so I was getting really into it and waving my arms around and what not, when my teacher comes by and says, "Hey you two! Quiet down!" Now, I know we have all been there, saying something or doing something we don't want our teacher to see and they do. I turned rose red while my friend starts gut-laughing and mocking me... Though I have to admit, I must have looked pretty funny, because my face contorts in a funny way when I'm embarrassed. ;)

Hope you all enjoyed! Keep on reading!

Sincerely, the GWTG

Monday 20 February 2012

Facebook and Parents

Hello everyone!

Most people have Facebook, right? Well how many have their parents or at least one parent added as their friend/family member?

I recently got Facebook, and added my dad (my mom doesn't have Facebook) and asked if he would confirm my request to list him as my father. So, a month or two passes and I'm still waiting for him to accept it (we were friends already though). I see him online while I'm in my room, he's in the basement mind you, but I'm lazy, so I decided to chat him. After a few "hello"'s and "fine, be that way"'s he finally responded, but instead of a "hello" back he says, "Elaine, is this some kind of messenger? Love, dad". Well I started laughing hysterically for about 5 minutes, and answered, "LOL! Yes dad, it is, and you don't have to sign your name at the end of your sentence, I know who you are."

A few months later, he listed me as his family member... his "unkown" family member that is. I mean, it's fine, my feelings aren't that hurt. He's only denying that he's my dad and I'm his daughter... I suppose it's because I'm the GWTG though. Oh well, there are just some things that I can't change. ;)

Hope you all enjoyed! Please leave some comments, so I know someone is actually reading my blog! PLEASE!

Sincerely, the GWTG

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Valentine's Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello  everyone! Welcome to the most romantic day of the year!!!!!!!!!!! :D

I have a GWTG Valentine's story to share with you too!

I was in grade 9 and the boys had to give their heart (a pink/red construction paper cut out of a heart) to the first girl they talked to. Well, third period had come along and I still hadn't gotten a heart. A little disappointed, I told myself it didn't matter. I think my science teacher Mr. (insert name here) noticed that I was a little down and said, "Elaine, do you have a heart yet?" I looked at him and turned beet red and said, "No Sir..." He smiled and said, "Well I'm surprised..." and handed me 2 hearts. I felt a lot better, since he took the time to notice my disappointment. None-the-less, it was still a little embarrassing, but to be honest, it was the best Valentine's Day ever. :)

Hope you enjoyed and are having/had a great Valentine's Day!!!!!!!!

Sincerely, the GWTG

Monday 13 February 2012

Ouch! That Hurt....

Hello everyone! I am back with yet another story for you!

So, this actually happened today, I was talking with my friend at my locker, when I noticed I had to switch up the binders in my bag (it was lunch). So, I took out some little things that made it difficult to get my new binder in my bag and put them on my shelf of the locker.As I was putting the new binder in my bag, all those items suddenly came crashing down on my head! Of course everyone looked and smiled, I was just kneeling on the ground, slightly embarrassed (you guys know, this is nothing compared to what I go through), and my friend is laughing and laughing. I have to admit, I started laughing too because in all honesty it WAS funny.

So I hope you all enjoyed and got the moral of the story: Never EVER place things randomly on your shelf and then bend down where your head is the target to all those things... :( EVER!

Sincerely, the GWTG

Saturday 11 February 2012

Rosey Cheeks

Hey everyone!

I am part Irish, and therefore I have pale-ish skin, with really rosey cheeks. I love that, but the downside is it ALWAYS looks like I'm blushing, and when I do blush it is REALLY noticeable. Thus I got the nick-name Rosey Cheeks.

I have no particular story as I'm constantly blushing, but people seem to like to point it out and make fun of it. So, everyday it's, "Elaine, why are you blushing? Did you see _______(<---insert name here) again?" Me -.- "No, I didn't, I'm just hot."

I honestly hear something about my blushing everyday, and to be honest with you, it gets a little annoying. I guess it could be worse, I could have uncontrolable smiling or something. (Not that that's a bad thing, I think people who smile all the time are just lovely).

Have a beautiful morning, afternoon, evening, or whatever it is where you are!

Sincerely, the GWTG :D

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Those Are Waste!!!

Hello all!

Another GWTG story for you!

I was at our local drug store, getting necessities with my mom (Shampoo, body wash, etc.) when we came to an aisle that had a cardboard cut-out advertising a new and improved tissue. It said it was supposed to have a cooling effect on your irritated nose, so I touched one of the tissues to see what they felt like. My mom looked at me and said, "Elaine! Those are waste!!!! You loser!"

I almost screamed and started wiping my contaminated finger on my mom's sweater. "Nooo!!!!!!" I cried. "Why me?!"

So, we got some hand sanitizer (which I used before buying for sanity's sake) and left. We got in the car and started laughing out heads off! I guess I really need to get my glasses checked because I honestly didn't see the label that said "WASTE"

Hope you enjoyed! Until next time!

Sincerely, the GWTG

Monday 30 January 2012


Hey guys!

OKay, I have a new GWTG story for you! :D

So, I was talking to my mom, and we were getting into a deep conversation, when my cheek was itchy. So, I went to scratch my cheek when i poked myself in the eye! I mean POKED.... like a stab! So, I shut my eye and said, "Ouch!"

My mom said, "You loser! DId you just poke yourself in the eye???"

So I said, "Yes... and it really hurt!" My mom just started laughing and said, "Well there you go, that's another Girl With The Glasses story! You're the only one I know who can poke yourself in the eye with glasses on." (my mom is a really nice person, but whenever I have a "fail" moment she teases me ;) like any good mother).

Hope you guys enjoyed!!! Sorry I haven't posted a blog in so long! I'll try to be more diligent with posting things. :)

Sincerely, the GWTG