Sunday 9 December 2012

25 Days of Christmas!!!

Helloeveryone! SOrry for the late start, but as usual, life has been throwing things at me left right and centre!

Alrighty, Christmas Story 1:

I was a young girl, with Harry Potter glasses (actually brand named 'Harry Potter') getting ready for my ig debut as... a Christmas Choir singer!!! Yes, it was Christmas season and my mom 'volunteered' my brother and I for the choir.
 So, every week, two times a week actually, we met with our choir teacher and practiced with all the other kids for the Childrens Christmas Liturgy. I'm not going to lie, it was fun! Weeks passed and Christmas Eve arrived, so my mom made sure me and Peter were in our Sunday, er, Christmas best, and we headed off to Church. My mom and Dad got to sit in reserved seats so they could see us... it also helped them with their new hobby of video taping. Anywho, we went up with our group (now mind you it's a HUGE Church, their was oer 1000 people there AND it was being broadcasted across North America), and began our symphany of Christmas songs. I was nervous, so I put my arm around my brother (who is two years younger than me) and being a boy, he pushed it off right away. Thanks to my parents new hobby it's captured for all to see for years to come.
That's my story! The lovely Christmas Choir arm comfort that got rejected. :)

Christmas Story 2:

This one is actually quite funny to me. My brother has always been quick with come backs, but I forgot how early it had started. I was watching some old tapes of our 2004 Christmas, and what a lovely Christmas it was. Near the send, my dad gave my brother a letter that he, I mean Santa, had wrote for him. Peter was to follow the clues of the letter to find his big gift. Fast forward to my brother reading the third letter, it read, "Watch out Peter! There's a Komodo Dragon in Lainey's room!" and without missing a beat, he said (while laughing his brains out) "Is the Komodo Dragon Lainey?!" Obviously I retaliated with the imfamous "HEEYYY!" line. Ahh, Christmas memories. :)

Christmas Story 3:

I had given my mom a candle one year, and she loved it... or so I thought. A couple years down the road we are decorating for Christmas when I pull out the candle. I look at my mom lovingly and say, "Mommy, where do you want me to put this?" and my mom responded, "That? Throw it out, it's an ugly thing!"
If you could see someones heart drop... you would've seen mine fall about 1000 feet. I bowed my head and said, "I got you that mom..."
"Oh... I'm sorry honey! I love it! Put it on the fireplace!"
Nice recovery mom xD

Christmas Story 4:

I was really little and got up EXTREMELY early... like 5:30am early. So, I got my brother up and we scouted out the bundles of presents that awaited our unwrapping. So, we proceed to get my parents up, who respond with, wait until 7:00am. Well, for little kids, that is freaking torture! I think we must have waited five minutes before we went and bugged them again. This time they agreed to get up, and we joyfully opened our presents! xD Csn't wait to be a parent myself :P

Christmas Story 5:

I HEARD SANTA! It was probably around 5:00am, when I heard him. Ole Saint Nick climbing back up the chimney. My bedroom is up the stairs from the family room, so I had a pretty good seat as to knowing what was goig on in the house. Anyways, I layed in bed, waiting for the sun to rise (I leanred my parents like to sleep, like said above) when I heard the bowl we left for Rudolph spill. I BOLTED out of bed wanting to get a glimpse at Santa, but he was already gone, bowl cleaned and no mess... just a huge bundle of presents. What really happened? I'll let you decide... :)

Christmas Story 6:

This is actually my moms story. When she was younger, she lived with my aunt in an apartment. They had just set up their Christmas tree when they went to bed. They slept peacefully for a few hours when they heard a huge crash! They immediately thought robber, my aunt started to climb out the window while my mom went to investigate. The source of the noise came from the tree falling over and breaking their glass coffee table. :)

Christmas Story 7, 8, and 9:

These stories all tie together. It happened last week actually. I was (and am) really excited for Christmas, and was pumped up about Christmas shopping and decorating. (First part of story) My friend Lisa asks me if I would like to read the petitions for our Christmas mass at school as we needed one more prefect (yes, I am a prefect). So I agreed! I got the longest two of the six petitions to be read... my luck ;) I didn't mind, it's just there's over 2000 people im my school and I was pretty nervous. (Part 2) I went up to read my part, all went well! I asked my friend how I did, they said great! Only one thing, the microphone was a foot above my head because I'm uber short... They made fun of me for the rest of the day! xD (Part 3) I told my mom this story and she laughed her head off! She said, "It's okay honey, at least they could see you!" I just stared her down, and she continued, "What?! It's a short joke!" Oh mom, so great for self esteem! xD

Hope you liked my first nine Christmas stories! Stay tuned for more to come! :D

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