Thursday 30 August 2012

It's Been a While

Hello everyone!

I apologise for not writing a blog in a while. My summer has been busy, and let me tell you, I have many GWTG stories to now share with you. I will, however, do my usual one sotry per blog and keep the suspense going :)

Alright, the first story is about my little adventure on my family vacation. I invited my best friend to go with me, so that was fun. The sotry takes place on a mini put course. It was beautiful, complete with waterfalls, fake sand pits, everything! I was doing fairly well (I'm not a golfer by any means), when I got to the ninth hole. One of the people who worked there was perched up on the rock wall above this hole, staring me and my family down. I could feel the sweat run down my back and my cheeks turn red. I just hate when people I don't know watch me do something. Anywho, I lined up my put, and because it was a fairly hilly hole, I hit the ball with some good strength. The ball went FLYING, and I really mean flying, where it plunged itself into the little river running throughout the holes. All I could think was, really, while this guy is watching?!

Anyways, my dad went and got the ball for me, and all ended well... I came in third (tied with my friend... there was five of us playing :D).

I hope you enjoyed this tale and are looking forward to the next GWTG story!!!


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