Thursday 25 July 2013


Hello people of the interwebs!!!!

Today's blog involves bugs, so if you get sqeemish or hate bugs or anything, then I suggest you don't read it.

Alrighty! So, last night I had just returned from my friends birthday party, it was around 11:30 I believe. So, tired out from partying (playing Wii and talking) I skipped up to my room to get ready for bed. My closet was already opened, so I walked over to it to get my pajamas. Then, the scariest thing in the world appeared... A. HUGE. CENTIPEDE. I mean, this thing was as big as a mouse, and it had all its creepy long legs moving a mile a minute! Now, this is one of the only creatures (besides possums) where I question their existence. I mean, WHY DO THEY EXIST?!

Anyways, I jumped about 30 feet in the air and landed on my chair (not really, but you get the picture). I screamed for about five minutes before my dad finally came to my rescue. It had crawled under my bed and I told him that if he didn't kill it I wasn't sleeping in my room. Thank goodness however, he found it after about 10 minutes and I was able to sleep peacefully!

My mom made so much fun of me, but she shouldn't be talking! She can't even talk about bugs without getting squeemish!!! Oh well, the apple really doesn't fall far from the tree.

Hope you enjoyed (unless you hate bugs or are afraid of them, then I apologize profusely!).

Peace out girl/boy scouts!

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