Thursday 26 June 2014

Oh Goodness... Long Time No Blog & GWTG Stories!!!

Hello people of the interwebs!

It has been a VERY long time since I've updated you guys! SO, let the games begin!

First things first, I have been accepted to university and will be attending this fall (yay!). So wooo! That being said, I will still make time for this blog. I have decided to keep going and writing as often as possible... It's been way too long.

Anywho. I do have a GWTG story for you! Actually, I have a few! But those will be separate posts to keep you guys waiting and  in suspense.

So, without further ado, my story!

I was at work (no longer working as I needed a break before going to uni cause it's gonna be stressful!) and  happily helping customers with their needs. I worked at a plus sized clothing store (yes, I am plus sized. A size 14 to be exact... with a large chest... So I look older than 18), so I was joyfully parading around in my new outfit that I had bought for my birthday. I was checking in on a few customers that had just walked in when a lady commented on how much she liked my shirt. Now, my shirt was a strapless, black, all sequin top, very pretty! Seeing as it was winter though and I live in the North Pole, I had a little black camisole over it.

But I digress. I thanked her and said, "I got it for my birthday actually! I wanted to get something fun." No word of a lie she says, "Ha! 35 again, eh?" Now, let me set some things straight. I am aware that I look older than 18. Usually people say 22-25. It's my chest. I know. But 35?! What the heck?! So, I did what any sales associate could do. I laughed and said, "Well actually, I just turned 18." As my loyal readers, you know that I blush like crazy! So I was pretty red when I said this. The poor lady looks mortified and says, "I am so sorry." and walks away. Face went redder and my eyes started to water. It wasn't even that I was that offended; just embarrassed by the whole exchange.

Anywho... Now you know my troubles.

I've posted a picture below of myself. Let me know how old you would say I am if I didn't tell you! But don't say 35... I might have to hurt you.

If you want to know why there is an eggplant with a face beside me, read THIS blog!

Anyways! See ya later alligators!

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