Monday 30 June 2014

Hermit = Sunburn

Hello people of the interwebs!

So yesterday was my cousin, Sara and her fiancé, Josh's wedding shower. It was a beautiful outdoor event. OH MY GOODNESS. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN.

Anywho... I don't venture out much... and I'm part Irish so my skin is pretty darn white. So, being my hermit self, I haven't been in the sun at all. Cue beautiful day with beaming sun.I'm gallivanting away, playing games, mingling (kinda have to cause I'm a bridesmaid) and just enjoying the weather. 5 hours later, my group of people decide to head home.

After a long drive (we lived about 3 hours away... I do live in Canada... it's a vast land, guys) I arrive home to my parents (who were unable to go with me and my brother) and head to bed because I was exhausted.

I wake up this morning and DEAR MOTHER OF GOD. I am BURNT. Unfortunately I was wearing a tank top so while my shoulders, chest and neck got burnt, I have very noticeable strap and neck line marks on my shoulders and chest. Basically, I look ridiculous. BUT, I will not let this burn win! The wedding is in 3 weeks and I am going to tan and make sure I get an even tan so I don't look like a doorknob.

Anyways, hope all you guys are having a good summer so far! I know I am!

Peace out!

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