Thursday 26 June 2014

Meeting the Celebrity Husband in Real Life!

Hello people of the interwebs!

It has come to my attention that I didn't post about my experience meeting Celtic Thunder's KEITH HARKIN, EMMET CAHILL, and NEIL BYRNE!

Some of you may or may not know, but I am smitten with Keith... For four years now! And what a wonderful four years it's been!

So! It was September of grade 12 (2012). I was armed with my best friend, Krystina, my brother, Peter, and my cousin, Sara. Me and Krystina had spent the WHOLE day getting ready to look good for this concert. There are more older people than younger and considering Celtic Thunder is made up (mostly) of young men, we decided we should look as pretty as possible.

*Side note: Krystina is in love with Emmet. I'm in love with Keith and Colm... At that time it was just Keith for me though :)

We were in the show, singing our hearts out, cheering like maniacs, you know, giving a proper show of fangirls in their element. Then it happened. Keith tweeted that he would be in the venue's main lobby signing copies of his brand new CD after the show! JACK POT. So, the show progressed, the lads finished their concert, and we ran out to see Keith.

After a very short line up (like I said, we ran out), I met the man of my dreams. All that was between us was a counter. Oh. My. Goodness. I'm pretty sure my heart stopped. In case you would like a picture to help you imagine the scene, I've inserted his beautiful face onto my post.----------------------------->

 Anyways. I walk up to him and hand him my CD with trembling hands. He looks up, says hi (Irish accent, guys) and asks for my name. I'm in lala land at this point so I have a moment of "What the hell is my name?" Luckily, I remembered before it got to be awkward and said, "Elaine." then remembered that most people don't know how to spell my name and added, "E-L-A-I-N-E". Now, I was an awkward, pubescent, teenage girl, so I did the only thing us girls know how to do... I said an awkward good-bye statement, "Thank you... You made my year."

Here's me with the lovely man himself! Don't mind my brother :)

Anyways... That was an amazing experience in itself. Me and Krystina are freaking out, close to hyperventilating when Neil fricken Byrne comes out of the dressing rooms. My brother, being the cool, charismatic person he is says, "Hey Neil, how's it going?" to which in turn Neil replies, "I'm good bud, yourself?" Que jaw drops from me and Krystina! Thankfully, we got him to sign our poster (which we slaved over for MONTHS) and Krystina even got a picture with him!

Finally, we had our dreams completed and were set to go home. :)

Fast forward one year later! It's 2013, me and Krystina are in our victory lap year of high school. And now, I'm armed with Krystina, Peter, my cousin, Sara, her fiancé, Josh, and my cousin, Megan! We are in full blown fangirl mode and we are determined for Krystina to meet Emmet.

Well don't ya know, Keith AND Emmet come out after the show to sign stuff for people! SCORE! So, we line up, posters & phone cases at the ready, and we wait. And wait. And wait. Until finally! We reach them! Keith is his never-ending glory and Emmet with his boyish charm. Krystina literally started shaking and I wasn't too far behind her! I got my stuff signed by Keith after giving him a present (made him three bracelets with the colours of the Irish flag) and then proceeded to get passed down to Emmet. Now... my poster said "KEITH" with a heart on it, so Emmet looked up at me and looked unsure of what to do. Really, Mr. Cahill, do you think I'd ever not want your autograph?! So I said, "I'd love to have you sign it too!" so he smiled and did so happily.

Then Krystina's turn. Oh goodness. She goes up and gives him a bracelet she had made him. It said his freaking name in it! It was awesome! So he thanks her and gives her a wink and then we stepped away. What Emmet doesn't know is, his wink set Krystina's heart into palpitations (figuratively speaking) and we started jumping up and down (yes, to 17 year old girls, in the middle of a crowded venue... We have no shame).

That night we didn't sleep. It was a blur. The next morning we had school so that was a bit rough. However, we got to show off our new trophies to our friends and teachers!

Needless to say, meeting Keith, Emmet and Neil was the best experience any of us ever had.

I hope you enjoyed this post and learned a little bit about my crazy fangirl side!

Thanks for reading! :D

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