Thursday 25 July 2013


Hello people of the interwebs!!!!

Today's blog involves bugs, so if you get sqeemish or hate bugs or anything, then I suggest you don't read it.

Alrighty! So, last night I had just returned from my friends birthday party, it was around 11:30 I believe. So, tired out from partying (playing Wii and talking) I skipped up to my room to get ready for bed. My closet was already opened, so I walked over to it to get my pajamas. Then, the scariest thing in the world appeared... A. HUGE. CENTIPEDE. I mean, this thing was as big as a mouse, and it had all its creepy long legs moving a mile a minute! Now, this is one of the only creatures (besides possums) where I question their existence. I mean, WHY DO THEY EXIST?!

Anyways, I jumped about 30 feet in the air and landed on my chair (not really, but you get the picture). I screamed for about five minutes before my dad finally came to my rescue. It had crawled under my bed and I told him that if he didn't kill it I wasn't sleeping in my room. Thank goodness however, he found it after about 10 minutes and I was able to sleep peacefully!

My mom made so much fun of me, but she shouldn't be talking! She can't even talk about bugs without getting squeemish!!! Oh well, the apple really doesn't fall far from the tree.

Hope you enjoyed (unless you hate bugs or are afraid of them, then I apologize profusely!).

Peace out girl/boy scouts!

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Summer Fun

Hello people of the interwebs! How are you all today? Oh,that's right, no one ever amswers... so I don't know! My hope is soon people will feel comfortable enough to comment on my blog! I'd REALLY love it, and honestly, as long as it's not inappropriate (swearing, vulgar content, bad subliminal messages, etc.) I won't remove it.

Anyways, just wanted to do a quick update to let you know that my summer has been going very well so far AND that I've been free of GWTG incidents! Amazing, I know! But don't worry, I will be updating this blog regularly, so I hope you guys keep coming back to read them!

Check out my FACEBOOK page!
If you guys ever have anything cool you'd like to show me or even have posted on the blog, here's my email!

Thanks guys! Hope you're all having a great summer!

Peace out girl/boy scouts!

Short Story: Part 5

“I--” The girl started, “I think someone’s broken into our house. I hear noises coming from Eliza’s room, and the door is locked!” The little girl’s face was full of panic, her breathing shallow, and her hands were trembling. “I’m sorry I scared you. I just thought-”her words were cut off by the sharp sound of glass breaking.
Her father instantly broke open the door, turned towards the window and froze. The little girl and her mother were huddled together in the corner of the hallway, ready to run at the slightest sound. But the little girl’s father remained motionless and silent.
“Papa?” the girl squeaked. “Papa what is it?” the girl noticed that her father had tears streaming down her face. But he didn’t look sad; he looked untroubled by all the stresses he had been previously worried about.
“Are you alright, David?” her mother asked quietly. “What’s wrong? Answer me David! For goodness sake! You’re scaring both of us!” But her words fell silent on deaf ears. David wasn’t paying attention to them.
The little girl and her mother inched forward slowly, steadily, silently. To their astonishment Eliza’s room had transformed completely. Instead of blue based wallpaper patterned with vines and doves, the walls were only blue and patterned with vines. The doves that were once frozen in time had become real, living and breathing animals that now surrounded the section of the floor where a picture’s frame had shattered. The picture that was once in the frame was of Eliza.
“What happened?” the girls mother demanded. “Who was in the room?” she was now at her husband’s side, clinging on to him like the morning dew clings onto its new found petal. “David, what did you see? Who was it?” again, her questions went unanswered.
“She’s alright, Lillian,” David whispered. “Our little Eliza’s alright.” His voice railed off and mixed with the sound of wind that came dancing in from the outside. The room was silent save for the chime of the clock downstairs. The silence remained unbroken for five long minutes when a familiar melody slowly filled the night air.
The little girl recognized it within seconds and joined in its melancholy tune. “Lilacs and lavender, fields full of trees, the dove will come and sing with me, carried in the breeze. Don’t you worry I am fine, God has taken me, home to lie upon His lap, and please don’t cry for me. The dove will leave you with my love, he’ll sing to you each day, and when you’re lonely hearts do stop, the dove will save the day.” The tune ceased for a few seconds and began again. This time, David and Lillian joined their little daughter in singing the song Eliza loved so dearly.

Friday 12 July 2013

Short Story: Part 4

Her mother ran out of the room, shutting her own bedroom door and started to weep. Likewise, the little girl, devastated at her own stupidity, threw herself down on Eliza’s bed and began to cry as well. After a while, she shut the window and retreated to her room, where she began to pray for comfort.
During her prayers she exclaimed, “I’m sorry Eliza! I’m sorry! And I’m sorry mama! I didn’t mean to! I’m sorry!” and she began to weep again for the rest of the afternoon.
Her father had no idea what had happened and found it odd that when he came home both his wife and daughter were shut up in their rooms bellowing words of regret. Curious as to what happened, he went upstairs to figure out the problems and bring comfort to them both. He himself had gone to the Church that day and prayed. While doing so, he realized that he had been miserable since his dear Eliza died, but he had a wife and daughter to take care of still, and he needed to be strong for them.
He quietly made his way up the stairs, being extra careful not to alert either his wife or daughter of his presence. The steps up the stairs were agonizing; the sorrow that filled the house was as strong as the day Eliza had died. He still remembered how that little face was so pale but even in her death, smiling. This thought comforted him and he went to console his wife.
Meanwhile, the little girl emerged from her room, wanting to apologize to her mother for being cruel. However, she had been stalling; the pain she would feel when looking at her mother’s aging, sorrowed face would break her heart like a rock would a mirror. So, she disregarded the thought of apologizing at the moment and went back to Eliza’s room.
When she got to the room, she discovered that the door was closed and to her amazement, locked. “Mother must be really upset with me.” She said quietly, but as she was yearning for the comfort and reassurance she so needed, she heard a noise.
It was quite subtle, and if she had been moving about she wouldn’t have heard it. It was steadily growing louder, but at the same time, quieter. Overcome with fear that an intruder had entered through Eliza’s bedroom window, the little girl began banging on the door to try and scare them off. Immediately her father and mother emerged from their room, their faces pale and plastered with concern.
Her father spoke first. “My dear child, what’s the matter? You’ve given me and your mother a fright!” The little girl noticed that he was shaking all over, just like when the doctor told him that Eliza was going to die within forty-eight hours.

Thursday 11 July 2013

Short Story: Part 3

Here is part three of my short story from my writer's craft course! To read part 2 click HERE, to read part 1 click HERE.

The little girl’s voice echoed out the window, caressing the breeze with its sweet sounds and to the little girl’s surprise the doves, as if on cue, began to sing the beautiful melody, and the air filled with peace.
But alas, the girl had to leave her little friends as her mother was up and about the house, solemnly going about her chores. Her mother asked her to go and pick up some groceries and the little girl did as she was asked. On her way home however, she stopped by the cemetery to lay some lilacs on Eliza’s grave.
“We miss you, Eliza. Especially mama, she weeps for you every night. Do you hear her in heaven? You must, for her love for you can reach anywhere. Papa is very sad without you here, he doesn’t seem to notice that the house is dirty and the garden is overgrown. I try and help Eliza, but I can’t, I don’t know how.” With that the little girl began to weep bitterly, for she hadn’t mourned properly due to her parents own heartbreak.
After a few minutes, the girl regained composure and was going to set off when she heard a noise. The noise was quiet, but just loud enough to hear. It was the rustling of feathers in the lilac tree.
“My friends must have followed me,” the girl said with a smile. “I guess they’re here to remind me I have to get back home!” So the little girl ventured home to her mother, where she promptly handed her the paper bag to an empty-spirited mother and went off to Eliza’s room.
As she entered Eliza’s room and began to sing, “Lilacs and lavender, fields full of trees, the dove will come and sing with me, carried in the breeze. Don’t you worry I am fine, God has taken me, home to lie upon His lap, and please don’t cry for me. The dove will leave you with my love, he’ll sing to you each day, and when you’re lonely hearts do stop, the dove will save the day.” While she sang, the doves flew to the window and perched themselves comfortably in the shade of the cherry tree once again. Moments later, the girl was surprised to hear the doves croon the melody she herself had just sung. This went on for a while and amused her little mind.
The little birds’ song began to make her tired so she laid down on her sister’s bed.
While lying there, a thought occurred to her. “What if,” she pondered, “What if I could make mama and papa happy again? Maybe if I acted more like Eliza and wore her clothes… though she was much taller than me.” While continuing to come up with a plan, her mother appeared in the doorway and was immediately upset by her intrusion.
“What are you doing in here? Don’t you know this is Eliza’s room? If she knew you were in here…” her mother’s face was contorted with pain and sadness.
The little girl began to speak. “Well mama, I thought I’d open the window to let some fresh air in Eliza’s room.” She squeaked and continued rather quickly, “She won’t care if I’m in her room now anyways mama, she’s gone.” Those last two words pierced her mother’s heart, and as soon as those words left her mouth she knew she had made a huge mistake.

Summer, Friends, and Other Stuff

Hello people of the interwebs!

Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. If you can believe it, I've actually been having a social life!

Anyways, my summer has been AMAZING so far. I've managed to watch Les Miserables about three times so far (cried like a baby every time), get a bit of colour from sitting outside on a patio while talking over frappicino's, resumed my work out program (woo hoo!) and even finish a Sherlock Holmes book (The Hound of the Baskervilles - I suggest you read it, it is AMAZING!)!

As for my friends, I've seen them many times for different reasons, some planned, some not, and some visits unexpectedly really enjoyable (<3). They are all doing well and it makes me feel so lucky to have such amazing friends! They are my life (besides my family and God) and I wouldn't change any of them for the world!

The stuff aspect, well... it's stuff! I applied for a job (I'm growing up!) that I really want, I need to get my contact prescription refilled and I'm going to get my G1 in August! Everything is happening so fast! But I like it, and I'm finally starting to break out of my bubble, I'm becoming less childish every day.

I was feeling sentimental...

Hope you're summer is going well! Comment below to let me know your fun summer activities, or anything else that you think I might be interested in!

Peace out girl/boy scouts!

Thursday 4 July 2013

Gosh Darn!!!

Hello people of the interwebs (do you like this new intro??)!

So today I decided to be productive and clean my room, the kitchen, family, dining, and living room and even, I know it will be hard to believe, Swiffer. Yes, I the girl with the glasses swiffered the main floor of my (parents) house today!

Anywho, my aunt was coming over for a visit and I was getting ready (showered, deodorized, brushed my hair and teeth, doused myself with body spray, the usual) and decided *the following is an excerpt from my brain*  "Hey! My aunt hasn't heard that I got contacts, let's put em on to show her!" So, I unscrewed the cap, took out my right eye contact, cleaned it and put it in my eye... it hurts. "Whatever." I say to myself, and continue to do the same thing with my other contact. It hurts too. Then I realize that I'm a big dummy and forgot to tell my mom that it's about time to get some new one's! So, my excitement turned into disappointment and my contacts smiled cruelly (yes, they can!) at me as if they knew how sad and disappointed I was.

So, I never got to wear the stupid things! But on the plus side, my room is clean the main floor looks AMAZING! :)

Peace out girl/boy scouts!

Tuesday 2 July 2013


Hello peoples of the interwebs!

So, I must tell you that my favourite sweater (you know, the one you wear all the time, even in the summer, especially when your sick, and definately when you're feeling down) is cursed! Every time I ask my dad to wash it (it's white) then wear it right when it comes out of the dryer it gets dirty! My dad literally just cleaned it three days ago, I put it on for the second time since it's been out of the wash and I get balsamic vinegar on it! I mean, the meal was well worth the mess (my mom made chicken salad dressed in balsamic and oil dressing) but I mean does my poor sweater have to suffer every time I wear it?!

Anyways, that's my rant for today. Hope you're all well and having a great summer!

Peace out girl/boy scouts!

Monday 1 July 2013

The Summer at Last!

Hello everyone!

So, I graduated, partied hard, and shared these amazing moments with everyone I love! <3 It was a great time! I will admit however, I was pretty nervous about walking across the stage to receive my scroll (like mentioned in a previous blog we don't get our diploma until later). But everything went smoothly, I wad done, waited for all the names that weren't called to be called (there were 408 of us graduating out of about 450). The next day we had our dance, we said our goodbyes and now I'm alumni! I did it! I survived 4 years of high school, and to be honest they went by WAY too fast! I can remember my first day of grade 9, how nervous and excited I was. It's insane! Now I'm done and it's all over.

So, now that I am on my summer vacation I can blog all the time! I might miss a few days or post five blogs in one day. I'm spontaneous, so hopefully you don't mind being kept on your toes! :D

Hope everyone's summer is going well so far! Be safe and have fun!