Monday 24 June 2013

High School Graduate???

Hello everyone!

I'm not a high school graduate... YET! My grad ceremony is on Wednesday, so that'll be fun...provided that I don't trip while walking across the stage to receive make FAKE diploma (our school makes us come in to get it in July -.-).

ANYWHO, I wrote my last exam today, so I'm done! I'm free! I can finally blog all the time without it being a form of procrastination!!!!! I'm so excited!!!

I do have to leave you for the next few days however because of the numerous events taking place this week (grad mass, ceremony, dance, parties, etc.).

See you all soon!

Peace out girl/boy scouts!

Thursday 20 June 2013

Exams and Stuff

Hello everyone!

Sorry I haven't blogged in a couple days, I've been busy studying for my exams (the joy). Anywho, I don't have another one until Monday, so I figured I'd take the opportunity to update you guys. I'm not going to write a full story today only because I'm exhausted and am literally going to bed right after I write this (yes, 9:00pm is not that late!).

Anyways, to anyone writing their final exams, GOOD LUCK! To everyone else, summer's almost here!!! :D

Peace out girl/boy scouts!

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Short Story: Part 2

Hey everyone, I'm currently in the middle of studying for exams, so try and bear with me as my blogs will probably be somewhat shorter or even just little updates. Thank you!

            The little girl sighed as the sun was setting. She thought she heard her sister singing, but there was no way that could happen anymore. She felt that the room’s once lively walls were now dull and lacking. “Well, little bird, I’ve opened the window so you can bring life back into this room. Maybe the doves on the walls want some company too,” the little girl offered. With that she sat on the floor remembering her sister and let the night air flood the room.
            She remained a while, staring at the dove that reminded her so much of her sister. But before long, she grew weary, closed the window and got ready for bed.
 That night she had a dream, a dream that her sister had returned from Heaven, and was dancing and singing, and her mama and papa were happy again. However, the dream morphed and Eliza was now sitting on the beach with her. She grabbed her hand and started speaking, “I want you to tell mama and papa to be happy again, that I’m okay! I’m with gramma and grandpa now. Please tell them not to be sad anymore.” And with that the girl suddenly woke up. She could have sworn she heard the sound of her sister’s sweet humming of a song she knew so long ago. She disregarded the dream, knowing that if she told her parents her sisters message it would only bring on more tears.
The little girl made her bed, washed her face, and got dressed. She peeked into her parents room, her mother was silently sewing in the old rocking chair that Eliza loved so dearly, her father was dressing for work.
Quietly, she walked down the hallway to her sister’s room, and to her surprise the window was open! “I could’ve sworn I shut it last night,” the little girl said. “I must have only dreamt it.” She headed over to the window to close it but stopped suddenly when the dove that had followed her home yesterday was there again, only this time sat with another dove under the shade of the cherry tree. The little girl looked behind her to make sure her mother wasn’t watching and started to sing the song her sister once sang.
“Lilacs and lavender, fields full of trees, the dove will come and sing with me, carried in the breeze. Don’t you worry I am fine, God has taken me, home to lie upon His lap, and please don’t cry for me. The dove will leave you with my love, he’ll sing to you each day, and when you’re lonely hearts do stop, the dove will save the day.”

Monday 17 June 2013

Short Story

So, I took a course called Writer's Craft, and our culminating assignment was to write a story based of the pictures created by Harris Burdick. Getting it back I did pretty freaking well, and I'm proud of that. So, everyday I will post a part of my story (revised since I got it back of course) and want you guys to tell me what you think!

PLUS: I want you guys to submit me your very own Harris Burdick stories HERE for a chance to be featured in a special blog! DEADLINE is July 15.

The Third Floor Bedroom
            She looked up at the sun, forever shining in her little town of Wilfred. She knew she had to get back home, her mom was waiting for her, but she didn’t care. The beach was where she felt most at home. Her real ‘home’ held a depressed mother and a distant father, but it had only been like that since her older sister Eliza died of the fever.
            She looked at a dove that was sunbathing not three feet away from her. The little doves’ presence evoked warm memories of the days before Eliza’s death. While she stared intently at the dove and said, “Mama used to be happy. She used to laugh and sing and dance.” She paused and spoke again, “Papa used to put on plays for us. They both used to be happy.” She sat in silence for a while, but spoke again. “Eliza’s favourite birds were doves she thought they were beautiful. She would’ve liked you very much.”
            With a sad sigh, the girl gathered up her things and started the short walk home. When she arrived, she stopped and looked at her house. “What a mess!” She exclaimed forlornly. “It used to be full of flowers and happiness, now it’s full of weeds and despair.” She stared at the dead garden by her front porch.
            She crept up the stairs in case her mother was sleeping – that happened a lot now - she quietly opened the door. Whilst closing it, heard her mother weeping. “Mama? Mama, are you alright? I’m okay, I’m back!” But the crying continued. Eliza had died two months ago, and her mother had wept everyday since.
            The girl went upstairs to find her mother sitting in her sister’s room, holding the dress Eliza was to wear on her birthday. Her birthday! The girl remembered that Eliza would have been twelve today. “Mama, please come lay down, I’ll make you a cup of tea,” she offered and within moments, her mother was tucked into bed sound asleep.
            The girl went upstairs and looked in her sister’s room. To her amazement the dove that was with her at the beach was now sitting on her sister’s window sill. She opened the window and said, “Hello again, little bird.” She looked at it thoughtfully she remembered when her sister first became sick. She remembered how her mother fussed every day until Eliza died, and how crushed she was when she had to bury her first child. Yes, Eliza had caused a lot of pain, but the girl knew that God had called her sister home, and that things would get better - they would have to.

My Analogy Poem

The Concrete Factory
Our shift beings in the morning
And it doesn’t stop until evenings lurking.
Our foremen watch us toil away
While we’re tirelessly searching,
The questions always so far away.
The hallways take us to our station
We have no choice anyway,
We’re all in the same situation.
If we get sidetracked or lose our pace
Our bosses will be surely there
To put us workers in our place.

What do you guys think? Leave any comments or suggestions below and I'll respond! 
 Peace out girl/boy scouts!

Contact Malfunction

Hello everyone! So, as I mentioned in one of my previous blogs I got contacts! Yes, I am only "the girl with the glasses" some of the time!

Anywho, yesterday I was at my cousin's birthday party (which was loads of fun!). During the course of the evening, I suddenly felt as if my contact had fallen out! I asked my cousin (who also has contacts) and she assured me a thousand times that it was in there! Turns out, my eye was just watering, and if caused my vision to go blurry and my contact to shift.

I am honestly still getting used to my contacts. Everyday I go to push up glasses that aren't there, and it's kind of sad really!

Hope you guys enjoyed!

Sunday 16 June 2013

My Facebook Page!!!

Hello everyone! Please check out and "like" my Facebook page! You can go to the website from HERE.

Your support is very appreciated! I hardly had any views up until this month! Let's make the page get at least 10 followers and 500 views!!! Thanks everyone!

The Girl With The Glasses (Sometimes:P) xo

Twitter Account? PLUS Some More News!

Hello everyone!!!

Thanks for tuning in! I have a serious question to ask you, and it will only happen if you guys RESPOND!!!
Should I make a twitter account for the Girl With The Glasses blog? PLEASE let me know so I can do so if you guys want it!

So, as you know, my friend Spitzzy has a blog now! It's great because we get to relay our stories to you all from a different point of view! I hope you guys enjoy both these blogs!! Spitzzy is really appreciating all the views, so a big thank you to all of those who have checked out her blog. :)

Until next time, I bid you adieu.

Saturday 15 June 2013

Eggplants and Weddings

Hello everyone! Please go check out my friend Spitzzy's blog right HERE.

Anyways, she has her own side of the story that I'm about to relay to you all. Last weekend, I threw a pre-grad party! It was great! All my friends were there, my mom spent all day making us food, we even watched the Little Mermaid (yes, we are mature)!

Anywho, My friend Spitzzy and her accomplice, we'll call him papa eggplant, came up with the brilliant idea that they should bring a real eggplant to this party(If you want the back story as well as a picture of this eggplant, go to SPITTZY'S BLOG!!!).

So, as the day progressed the eggplant had become Sir Theodore Eggplant the 264th... and my fiance. Yes, I was marrying an eggplant. So the beginning of my pre-grad party was considered my "bachelorette" party, and then later we had a full out ceremony (they tried to make me wear white but I threatened to kill the beloved eggplant). I walked down the "aisle", Spitzzy was the eggplants mother and her husband was our friend, papa eggplant. I got to the end of the "aisle" I was forced to say "I do" and then kiss the stupid thing. Afterwards one of the same people who brought me sir Theodore had also brought a pinata full of purple and green candy to make the reception seem more eggplant oriented.

Moral of the story, DO NOT let your friends know they are annoying you... especially when they can bring it to a party!

***NOTE: I may start writing stories that do not pertain to my glasses. I have crazy events that have happened where my glasses have not caused me or themselves any harm. Hope this is okay with you guys!

Peace out girl/boy scouts!

Friday 14 June 2013

My New Glasses!

Hey guys!

So, as you all know, I got my new glasses!!! I absolutely love them!

They are by Jill Stuart (my favourite glasses brand besides Vogue) and actually suit my face for once!!! Now, I don't mean I disliked any of the other glasses I had, I actually liked them very much! They actually didn't look that bad on me, but they never "suited" me.

Now mind you, I don't wear them everyday like I used to since I got contacts (what freedom!), but when I do wear them, I get plenty of compliments from my friends, family, and tachers!

Before I got these new glasses, my old ones had pretty much had the biscuit. They had tons of scratches (thanks to my brother, you can read that blog HERE) and my perscription was LONG over due. So as you can imagine seeing the chalkboard and overhead at school was quite a mission... not even mentioning my height! SO, it was time for me to get a new frame, a new perscription, and essentially, a new pair of eyes. I'm so happy I went that day, especially because those frames had just come in from Boston the day before! Lucky me! Leave any comments or questions below and I'll be sure to answer them! (I actually will... my summer has almost begun!)

Over and out!

Thursday 13 June 2013

No More Glasses?!

Hello everybody!!!

I have some very interesting news. I no longer have glasses... but contacts! OKay, well I do have my glasses still, they're actually very nice and I love them, but now I can wear "real" sunglasses!!!!

This does not mean however that I will stop posting! I know I haven't been posting regularly, but I have been extremely busy... it comes with grade 12. ;)

Hope you are all having a great June!

Over and out! :)