Saturday 31 August 2013

Minecraft FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello people of the interwebs!

So, as you can tell from the title, this is a fail that happened to me whilst playing Minecraft. As some of you may (or may not) know, the newest update included horses (yay!), so I went crazy and rounded up as many as possible!

My favourite horse was the last one I rounded up. I named her Lillian. Lillian was the fastest and highest jumping horse out of my 20 horses. I loved her! I went on mining adventures, exploration adventures, evening evening strolls with her! But one day, it all went horribly wrong.

We were riding along in the desert and had just found an AMAZING mine! I didn't want to lose the spot, so I started marking it with torches that lead back to my house. Unfortunately, I forgot about the lava pool that was right behind me and I kind of fell into it. I tried everything I could to get her out, but sadly she burnt to death... it was so tragic.

Remember! If you're playing Minecraft be extremely aware of your surroundings, or you might lose something awesome, like a diamond pick, or an eye of Ender, or a horse named Lillian.

Hope this didn't make you guys too depressed! I just wanted you t know that not only do I suck at real life, but I suck at gaming life as well.

Peace out girl/boy scouts!

Monday 26 August 2013

Short Hair, Don't Care

Hello people of the interwebs!

So, I recently cut my hair... really short. I was completely bored with my old, long hair, so I said au revoir and cut it all off.

I feel so bald with my eight inches of luscious curls gone. I mean I love my new hair, but I really do miss my old hair.

Nothing else has really happened lately, and my GWTG incidents have been minimal, so I don't have any new stories to tell you (sorry!).

Hope you're summers have been amazing and you're all doing well!

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE comment and let me know what stories you enjoy best! I feel like I'm talking to no one!

Peace out girl/boy scouts!

Sunday 11 August 2013

Fun Stuff!

Hello people of the interwebs!

I'm happy to announce that I'm getting my contact prescription refilled!!! Yes! I know! FINALLY! I waited half a year to even get them, and now I've waited since the end of June to get them refilled! My parents said they'll get them for me sometime this week, so hopefully I can be glasses-less again (it's a lot more fun than you think! No smudges, no water marks if it's raining, no dirt, dust, etc. blocking your view! Nothing! I love it!).

Anyways, besides that, I've been busy (again!). I spent sometime on a family vacation, went to a zoo, saw a Shakespearean play (The Merchant of Venice... AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) helped my cousin and her fiancé move into their new house (5 minutes from mine, yay!) had a birthday party for the same cousin (on the same day we moved them!) and finally went to a wedding!!! It has been non-stop for a while!

Fortunately (or unfortunately for you, my readers) I had no girl with the glasses incidents! Surprising, I know! Well, no, that isn't true. Alrighty! Time for a story!

When we went on our vacation I took my best friend and cousin with me to keep me and my brother company! Now, my best friend is way more adventurous then I'll ever be! So she went with my brother and dad to do an activity which involved heights (I am deathly afraid of heights, as you may or may not know). Anyways, after an hour and a half they still hadn't returned from their activity, so me and my cousin went to fetch them!

They said they'd be down shortly, so we headed back to the village part. Now, I was wearing flip flops... we both were actually. Anyways, we were walking down a mountain and even though it had stairs it was a bit hard to grip with flip flops. So, while talking about our grumbling tummies, I slipped on the gravel fill the stairs wooden frame contained. My ankle took a nice 90 degree bend and I fell... hard! My cousin caught me before I went over the edge (thank goodness!) and helped me up. My ankle was throbbing, the side of my foot was cut and bleeding and I'm pretty sure I scratched my behind when I slipped off the stairs.

Anywho, we continued our venture down the mountain and met my mom in the village. She helped clean me up and that was that. Luckily though, no one was around when I fell save for my cousin.

Hope you enjoyed my little update/story!

Peace out boy/girl scouts!

Tuesday 6 August 2013


Hello peoples of the interwebs!

I haven't blogged in a while because.... I actually had a life for about a week! :D

Anywho, today's story is just sad really. So, yesterday I went to the zoo with my parents and two of my friends. All I wanted was to see a sloth and get it in plushie form. We got through a good portion of the zoo before we reached my beloved sloth! I must say, it was the cutest thing I've ever seen! I got tons of photos (see below!) and drooled over it until my friends pulled me away (meanies!).

Anyways, after accomplishing part one of my task I was set on completing it and finding my sloth plushie! We walked around a bit more until we ended our journey and stopped at the zoo's gift shop. I rain to the back of the shop and commanded my friends to help me find said plushie. But alas, our scouring was for nothing... a girl who worked there told me that they had no more sloth plushies. :(

WHAT IS THIS? What? So first everyone HATES sloths, but now they LOVE them?! Goodness, my heart split in two.

Anywho, hope you are all having a great August!

Peace out girl/boy scouts! :D