Friday 26 September 2014

There's a - Step *sigh*

Hello people of the interwebs! How are you all this fine day/evening? ...Good! I'm glad to hear that!

This story happens on my second day of university. Picture young me, trying to blend in with all the university folk, just trying to be 'cool'.

Ha! We all know me, so obviously that didn't work out too well.

Anyways, it was after my classes and me and my friend went to a building (which I had already been in that day of a lecture) to find a so-called mini cafeteria... We didn't find it. So, on our way out we were in deep conversation and God knows what and reach the doors. Now, I've made it so far. I haven't had anything bad happen. I've been good. Unnoticed. Life was good. But, the glasses gods couldn't have that. So, as we exit the building, the inevitable happens... I trip.

You see, the doors to the building open onto a little, itty bitty step. So, basically, door opens and you plunge to your death. So, picture me, in my cute little outfit, enjoying life, thinking I'm actually kinda cool, and I twist my ankle. Now, I mean I twisted it. Like, I saw the bottom of my foot, twisted it.

There was a collective gasp of the hundred or so kids that were outside on the campus that saw and my little "I'm OKAY. No need to panic" while turning beat red and my friend holding me for dear life so I didn't further hurt myself.

I'm not gonna lie, this time the pain overtook the embarrassment. It wasn't until after I went home that the wave of embarrassment hit me.

About three weeks later, my ankle STILL hurts, BUT the embarrassment has passed. To be honest, I've tripped about three more times since then, but I don't really mind anymore. People don't laugh in front of you here, they make sure that you're okay (and then probably go home and laugh, but I digress).

Well, I hope you enjoyed my story and are having a great school/work/life year so far!

-E (GWTG) 

Thursday 25 September 2014

Yogurt Incident

Hello peoples of the interwebs!

Long time no talk due to me starting university and actually doing work!

So, today's story literally just happened 10 minutes ago. I went down to our student centre and got some yogurt and granola because I felt like it. Anyways, I was 100% sure that the seal was on the yogurt part of the container and that the granola part was open. SO, I turned it upside down and proceeded to open it... only to have most of the yogurt pour out onto the table and my bag.

So, five thousand napkins later, the table and my bag are clean and I'm finally able to eat my yogurt. And I must say, it was worth all that trouble. It was delicious.

Hope you enjoyed! Here's to more regular posts!
